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Tony Productions

Hasbro Fan Media Event 2013

Another Hasbro Fan Media Event has come and gone; and Hasbro brought out the big guns when it comes to Transformers. I am building the galleries as I go, with commentary next to the link. A lot of great news if you like Transformers; and some cool news for some of the other lines as well.



  • Metroplex - By far, the most impressive thing announced in any line. Metroplex stand at 2 feet tall, the largest Transformers figure ever designed. A gorgeous update to his original G1 form, he will be able to serve as a base for Cyberverse and Legends class figures and comes with an updated Scamper figure. Of note, his chest sticker depicts Optimus Prime in his cockpit. Also, the box can be displayed horizontally and vertically, and is similar in size to the Marvel Universe Sentinel and Galactus figures.
  • Masterpiece Soundwave and Acid Storm - These weren't on hand, but the slides were shown. Soundwave will contain 5 tapes: Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, Frenzy, Rumble and Ravage. Frenzy and Rumble will come with their piledrivers. (Not sure if that is standard on the Takara ones, but it was noted by the Hasbro reps.)
  • Beast Hunters - Predaking is available at multiple price points. The one shown at NYCC was the Voyager class one; there is also a larger Leader Class Predaking. Predacons are dragons for the most part, being based on actual myths. Grimwing is an Ursagriff (bear-dragon).
  • Platinum Edition - Three figures so far, just one new mold. Neat packaging. Ultra Magnus comes with the Forge of Solus Prime.
  • Construct-Bots - According to the Hasbro rep, these are being called "Construct-A-Bots," with the A being replaced by the Autobot sigil. Of course, that means the original G1 logo would be retconned into Trans-A-Formers, but I doubt they were thinking that through. Toys are somewhat like Transformers meets Xevoz, customizable figures that transform without removing parts.
  • Generations - A lot of new Generations figures coming this year. A beautiful set of Triple Changers with Springer and Blitzwing, as well as IDW comics being included in the Deluxe wave of figures based on IDW comic desgins. Also, Trailcutter.
  • Bot Shots - This line continues into its second year and looks to be going strong. Sadly, no name cards on these figures, so not a good idea of who they are for some.
  • Kre-O - Kre-O rolls on and Hasbro is expanding it beyond Transformers to GI Joe and Star Trek. Slideshow had a Worf mini-figure, but it was not on display. Dozens of TF ones on hand, though. Great character choices. Looks like every combiner they do, the 5th member is released as a single-pack figure. Wave 3 will have Nosecone... I can only assume Computron is not far behind.
  • Rescue Bots - Looks like Hasbro is going to take a shot at Skylanders with a Beam Bots sub-line in Rescue Bots. There were also a few new, larger Rescue Bots as well this year.

Other Lines:

  • G.I. Joe - Not much new offerings in Joe because of the movie being pushed back. However, big highlights in the new figures including Kwinn, Sunbow-styled Storm Shadow and Ultimate Cobra Commander.
  • Marvel - 3 Marvel movies in 2013, but not a lot of product on hand. I imagine more will be shown at SDCC. Took photos of some of the highlights.


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