"What does not destroy me makes me strong... what attempts to destroy me shall be obliterated"
With the ratification of the Pax Cybertronia, most Predacons laid down their arms to usher in a new era of peace. However, there were those who would not bow down to their government's wishes and struck out on their own to destroy the Maximal Imperium. Among the most arrogant of these malcontents was a Predacon who assumed the fearsome name of Megatron - a name that invoked fear within the ranks of the Autobots for millennia. The legends of the ancient Decepticon leader's exploits inspired Megatron to take up arms with his own small army of followers. Megatron is extremely cunning and intelligent. He has extensive knowledge of tactics and strategy owing to his time as a field commander in the Predacon army. To augment his considerable strength, Megatron outfitted his basic body-frame with an outer layer of transformable armor. This armor is lightweight yet dense enough to resist all but the most powerful weaponry. While his small band of soldiers pales in comparison to the Decepticon armies of old, Megatron seeks to fullfill what he feels is the true destiny of the Predacons and will stop at nothing to do so.
There are no known variations of this figure.
This figure was available exclusively at Botcon 2006 with Timelines Botcon 2006 Waspinator (2006) in 2006.