"Only in war is there happiness."
An unhappy loner of few words and fewer opinions,
Snarl only finds joy in the heat of battle. He hates his Dinobot
form and longs to return to Cybertron. His tail can shatter 20 foot
cubes of concrete and his armored hide resists most missiles, but
he is vulnerable to nighttime attacks because he gets his strength
from the sun. The large golden plates on his spinal assembly are
solar collectors that he uses to collect the sun's rays in order
to increase his power. He is generally considered slow and receives
little help from others because of his own uncooperative nature.
There are no known variations of this figure, however it is worth noting it is idential to the 1985 release of the figure, with the only difference being the addition of G2 sigil stamp on the figure's leg.
This figure was available in 1993.