Don't Call Me
Tony Productions

Black Convoy (Binaltech)

Year - 2007
Series - Binaltech
Faction - Decepticon
Size Class - Anternators
Sub-Group - Convention Exclusives

Function: Dark Commander


  • Gun


  • Robot to vehicle conversion

Tech Spec

Wanting to create an evil leader, more powerful than Megatron, Black Convoy was created by Dr. Archeville by cloning the Cybertron Leader, Convoy. Using immense power and a subspace impulse cloner, Convoy’s personality was duplicated, but by employing a rewriting program, the original essence was twisted into an evil version.

Weapons: Concussion Blaster

Translation courtesy of Soundwave's Oblivion


There are no known variations of this figure.


This figure was available exclusively at Winter Wonder Festival 2007 in 2007.

G1 Nemesis Prime Figure History

Mold History

Characters Named "Black Convoy"