Don't Call Me
Tony Productions


Year - 2004
Series - Transformers: Universe
Faction - Autobot
Size Class - Spy Changers
Sub-Group - Store Exclusives

Function - Maintenance


  • This figure came with no accessories.

Tech Spec

"You have to be rolling before you can be fighting"

Hoist is first on the scenewhenever an Autobot is injured in the line of duty. His personal mission is to make sure that each of his comrades operates at peak efficiency levels at all times. Though his primary function is maintenance and repair, he'll gladly convert to robot mode to take on a Decepticon adversary.


  • Robot to vehicle conversion
  • Comaptible with Matchbox, Hot Wheels, and other similar-sized vehicle toys


There are no known variations of this figure.


This figure was available exclusively in KB Stores in non-Transformers: Universe packaging in 2004. There was no series designation on the packaging.

This figure was available exclusively in Dollar General and Family Dollar stores in Transformers: Universe packaging in 2005.

G1 Hoist Figure History

Characters Named "Hoist"