Don't Call Me
Tony Productions


1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 |
1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 |
2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016



Arcee - Autobot Valkyrie
Arcee (SCF Clear) - Cybertron
Arcee (SCF Pewter) - Cybertron
Armorhide - Decepticon

Battle Unicorn - Maximal Scout Warrior
Beast Changer - Maximal Warrior
Black Rodimus - Autobot Knight of Darkness
Bruticus - Predacon Dog
Bumble (Clear) - Cybertron

Cheetor (Night Slash) - Maximal Nocturnal Warrior
Chromedome - Cybertron
Chromedome (Clear) - Cybertron
Convoy (Nucleon Quest)- Autobot Commander
Convoy (Clear) - Cybertron
Convoy (SCF Vehicle Mode) - Cybertron
Convoy (SCF Clear Vehicle Mode) - Cybertron
Convoy (SCF w/jetpack) - Cybertron
Convoy (SCF Pewter w/comlink) - Cybertron
Convoy (Choro-Q, TV Version) - Cybertron
Crosswise - Autobot
Cryotek - Predacon Dragon, Criminal Overlord
Crystal Rodimus - Autobot Knight of Light

Daniel - Cybertron
Daniel (Pewter) - Cybertron
Dark Scream - Predacon
Daytonus - Autobot

Galvatron - Decepticon Predacon Leader
Galvatron (SCF, Clear) - Destron
Gas Skunk - Predacon
God Ginrai - Cybertron
God Ginrai (SCF, Clear) - Cybertron
Grimlock - Autobot Backhoe
Grimlock (SCF, Clear) - Cybertron

Hammerstrike - Maximal Tracker, Ocean Attack
Heavy Load - Autobot Dump Truck
Hightower - Autobot Crane
Hot Shot - Autobot

Ironhide - Autobot
Ironhide (SCF Clear) - Cybertron

Landfill - Autobot

Mega-Octane - Decepticon Flatbed Truck
Megatron - Predacon Leader
Megatron (SCF, Clear) - Destron
Megatron (SCF, Reincarnation) - Destron
Megatron (SCF, Pewter w/Condor) - Destron
Megatron (Choro-Q) - Destron
Megatron (Choro-Q, Black) - Destron
Metroflex (Clear) - Cybertron
Midnight Express - Autobot Train
Minerva - Cybertron
Minerva (Clear) - Cybertron
Mirage - Autobot
Motorcycle Drone - Vehicon Mobile Infantry
Movor - Decepticon

Omega Prime - Autobot
Optimus Primal (Blast Punch) - Maximal Leader
Optimus Prime - Autobot Leader

Prowl - Autobot High-Speed Chaser
Prowl 2 - Autobot

Raiden - Cybertron
Raiden (Clear) - Cybertron
Rail Racer - Autobot
Railspike - Autobot Train
Rapid Run - Autobot Train
Rapticon - Maximal Guerrilla Combat Specialist
R.E.V. - Autobot
Rodimus Convoy (Clear) - Cybertron
Rodmius Convoy (w/matrix) - Cybertron
Rodimus Convoy (Pewter w/matrix) - Cybertron
Rodimus Convoy (Choro-Q Robo) - Cybertron
Rodimus Convoy (Choro-Q Robo, Metallic) - Cybertron
Rollbar - Decepticon
Ro-Tor - Decepticon
Ruination - Decepticon

Side Burn - Autobot Speedy Knight
Side Burn (Spychanger) - Autobot
Side Swipe - Autobot
Sixshot - Destron
Sixshot (Clear) - Destron
Skid-Z - Autobot High Speed Scout
Sky-Byte - Predacon Shark
Skyfire - Decepticon Jet
Slapper - Predacon
Soundwave (SCF Clear) - Desrtron
Spike (SCF Clear) - Cybertron
Spy Streak - Vehicon Aerial Reconnaissance
Starscream (Black) - Decepticon Air Commander
Starscream (Ghost) - Decepticon Air Commander
Starscream (SCF Clear) - Destron
Strika - Vehicon All-Terrain Combat
Super Ginrai - Cybertron
Super Ginrai (Clear) - Cybertron

Tank Drone - Vehicon Ground Attack
Terranotron - Maximal Aerial Combat Specialist
Thundercracker - Destron
Tigatron - Maximal Vok Avatar
Tow-Line - Autobot Tow Truck
Tripredacus Agent - Predacon Covert Intelligence Operative

Ultra Magnus - Autobot Leader
Ultra Magnus (Matrix Glow) - Autobot City Commander
Ultra Magnus (Movie Prevew) - Autobot City Commander
Ultra Magnus (SCF Clear) - Cybertron
Ultra Magnus (SCF Act 4) - Cybertron
Ultra Magnus (SCF Pewter) - Cybertron

W.A.R.S. - Autobot
Wedge - Autobot Bulldozer
Wind Sheer - Decepticon Jet

X-Brawn - Autobot Strong-Armed Fighter

1-2-3 Transformers
Rescue Roy