Don't Call Me
Tony Productions



1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 |
1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 |
2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016



Acid Storm - Decepticon
Afterburst - Autobot
Alpha Trion - Autobot
Alpha Trizer - Autobot Knights Grand Master
Apelinq - Autobot Knight Sub-Commander
Arcee (Generations) - Autobot
Arcee (Class of 1984) - Autobot Prom Queen
Ark - Autobot

Barrage - Decepticon
Barricade (TFSS) - Decepticon Enforcer
Barricade (Battle Masters) - Decepticon "The Prince of Punishment"
Blades (Protectobot Evac Squad) - Autobot
Blades (Rescue Bots Dinobot) - Autobot
Blades (Rescue Bots Rescan PVC) - Autobot
Blades (Rescue Bots Rescan) - Autobot
Bludgeon (Beast Hunters) - Decepticon Spark Hunter
Bludgeon (Deceptihog) - Deceptihog
Bluestreak - Autobot Class Chatterbox
Boulder (Rescue Bots, Dinobot) - Autobot
Brainstorm - Autobot
Brake-Neck - Decepticon
Brawn (Kre-O) - Autobot
Brawn (Class of 1984) - Autobot Class Jock
Breakdown - Decepticon
Breakdown (Botcon 2014) - Decepticon
Brimstone - Star Seeker Master Gunner
Bulkhead - Autobot
Bullhorn - Autobot
Bumblebee (High Octane) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Dino Sparkers) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Wal*Mart 2-Pack Age of Extinction) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Wal*Mart 3-Pack Age of Extinction) - Autobot
Bumblebee (One Step Changers) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Power Battlers) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Age of Extinction, Legion) - Autobot
Bumblebee (One Step Changers, High Octane) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Age of Extinction) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Power Battlers, High Octane) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Dinobot Riders) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Wal*Mart, Construct-Bots) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Family Dollar Generations Legends) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Galvatron Factory Battle) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Class of 1984) - Autobot Best Spark
Bumblebee (Rescue Bots, PVC with Scrapmaster) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Rescue Bots, Motorcycle) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Rescue Bots, PVC Motorcycle) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Rescue Bots, Raptor) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Hero Mashers) - Autobot
Bumblebee (Battle Masters) - Autobot "The King of Sting"
Bumblebee Bird - Autobird
Buzzsaw (Class of 1984) - Decepticon

Cannonball - Star Seeker Captain
Catgut - Decepticon
Centuritron - Mini-Con
Chase (Rescue Bots Dinobot) - Autobot
Chromedome - Autobot Mnemosurgeon
Chromia - Autobot
Cliffjumper (Generations) - Autobot
Cliffjumper (Class of 1984) - Autobot Most Fearless
Cody Burns - Human
Computron - Autobot
Cosmos - Autobot
Crosscut - Autobot
Crosshairs - Autobot
Crosshairs (Power Battlers) - Autobot
Crosshairs (One Step Changers) - Autobot
Crosshairs (Construct-Bots) - Autobot
Cyclonus - Decepticon

DaiGekisou - Autobot
DaiKenzan - Autobot
Dani Burns - Human
Dead End - Decepticon
Demolishor - Decepticon
Devcon - Autobot Knight Sergeant
Dino - Autobot
Dispensor - Decepticon
Doubledealer - Decepticon
Dragstrip - Decepticon
Dread Pirate Crew (Pounce Clone) - Star Seeker Buccaneers
Dread Pirate Crew (Wingspan Clone) - Star Seeker Buccaneers
Dreadwing - Decepticon
Drift - Autobot
Drift (One Step Changers) - Autobot
Drift (Power Battlers) - Autobot
Drift (Dino Sparkers) - Autobot
Drift (Voyager) - Autobot
Drift (Construct-Bots) - Autobot
Drift (Dinobot Warriors) - Autobot
Drift (Hero Mashers) - Autobot
Drift (Dinobot Charge) - Autobot

Eclipse - Autobot
Eject - Autobot Games Administrator

Fangwolf - Autobot
Ferak - Star Seeker Engineer
First Aid - Autobot
Fisitron - Autobot Weapons Specialist
Flamewar - Decepticon Mercenary
Flanker - Autobot
Flareup - Autobot Knight Grenadier
Floodgate - Autobot
Fractyl - Predacon
Freezeout - Autobot
Frenzy (TFSS v2.0) - Decepticon
Frenzy (Class of 1984) - Decepticon Most Spirited

Galvatron - Decepticon
Galvatron (One Step Changers) - Decepticon
Galvatron (Power Battlers) - Decepticon
Galvatron (Galvatron Factory Battle) - Decepticon
Galvatron (Grimlock Unleashed) - Decepticon
Galvatron (Age of Extinction DVD) - Decepticon
Galvatron Pig - Deceptihog
Gears (Generations) - Autobot
Gears (Class of 1984) - Autobot Class Grouch
Gigatron - Decepticon
Ginrai - Autobot Knight Commander
Gnaw - Autobot
Goldfire - Autobot
Grimlock - Autobot
Grimlock (Flip & Change) - Autobot
Grimlock (One Step Changers) - Autobot
Grimlock (Dino Sparkers) - Autobot
Grimlock (Target 2-Pack) - Autobot
Grimlock (Wal*Mart Age of Extinction) - Autobot
Grimlock (Grimlock Street Attack) - Autobot
Grimlock (Grimlock Unleashed) - Autobot
Grimlock (Legion Class) - Autobot
Grimlock (Power Battlers) - Autobot
Grimlock (Electronic Titan Guardians) - Autobot
Grimlock (San Diego Comic Con) - Autobot
Grimlock (Family Dollar) - Autobot
Grimlock (Construct-Bots) - Autobot
Grimlock (Construct-Bots, Target) - Autobot
Grimlock (Dinofire) - Autobot
Grimlock (Hero Mashers) - Autobot
Grimlock (Battle Masters, Target) - Autobot
Grimlock Bird (Energon) - Autobird
Groove - Autobot
Groundbuster - Autobot

Hangnail - Decepticon
Heatwave (Rescue Bots, Rescan) - Autobot
Heatwave (Rescue Bots, Dinobot) - Autobot
Heatwave (Rescue Bots, Rescan PVC) - Autobot
Heatwave (Hero Mashers) - Autobot
Heatwave the Fire-Bot Bird - Autobird
Heavytread - Mini-Con
Highbrow - Autobot
Hot Spot - Autobot
Hound - Autobot
Hound (Power Battlers) - Autobot
Hound (One Step Changers) - Autobot
Hound (Dinobot Riders) - Autobot
Hound (Dinobot Warriors) - Autobot
Hound (Class of 1984) - Autobot Friendliest
Hot Shot - Autobot
Huffer (Class of 1984) - Autobot Biggest Rust Bucket
Hunter - Star Seeker Striker

Iceberg - Autobot
Ironhide (Class of 1984) - Autobot Best Bot to Bring Home to Primus

Jarugar - Decepticon
Jazz (Class of 1984) - Autobot Most Rad
Jetfire (Generations) - Autobot
Jetfire (Hero Mashers) - Autobot
Jetwash - Autobot
Jhiaxus - Decepticon
Junkheap - Decepticon

Kup - Autobot

Lambor - Autobot Warrior
Landshark - Autobot
Laserbeak (Class of 1984) - Decepticon
Lazerbolt - Autobot
Lightstorm - Autobot
Lockdown (Age of Extinction) - Decepticon
Lockdown (One Step Changers) - Decepticon
Lockdown (Power Battlers) - Decepticon
Lockdown (Construct-Bots) - Decepticon
Lockdown (Dinobot Warriors) - Decepticon
Lockdown (Grimlock Unleashed) - Decepticon
Lockdown Pig - Deceptihog
Lockdown Pig (Energon) - Deceptihog

Megatron (Class of 1984) - Decepticon Best Frenemies (with Starscream)
Megatron (Hero Mashers) - Decepticon
Megatron (Beast Hunters, Unicron) - Decepticon Leader
Megatron (Beast Hunters, Titan Heroes) - Decepticon
Megatron (One Step Changers) - Decepticon
Megatron (Bearbrick) - Decepticon
Megatron (Battle Masters) - Decepticon "The Calamity of Humanity"
Megatron Pig (Ultimate) - Deceptihog
Menasor - Decepticon
Mindswipe - Decepticon
Mirage (Class of 1984) - Autobot Best Dressed
Misfire - Autobot
MorBot - Robot
Motorbreath - Decepticon

Nemesis Prime - Decepticon
Nightbeat - Autobot
Nightbeat (Kre-O) - Autobot

Optimus Exprime - Autobot Commander
Optimus Primal - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Upscaled, Beast Hunters) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Rescue Bots PVC Rescan) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Rescue Bots Monster Truck) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Rescue Bots, Rescan T. Rex) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Year of the Horse) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Age of Extinction, First Edition) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Age of Extinction) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Evasion Mode) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Smash & Change) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (One Step Changers) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Dino Sparkers) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Age of Extinction, Legion Class) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Wal*Mart 2-Pack) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Target 2-Pack Deluxe Silver Knight) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Platinum Edition Silver Knight) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Power Battlers) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Grimlock Street Attack) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Galvatron Factory Battle) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Class of 1984) - Autobot Most Likely to Succeed
Optimus Prime (Age of Extinction DVD) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Dinobot Riders) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Dinobot Warriors) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Construct-Bots, Silver Knight) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Dinofire) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Hero Mashers) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Battle Masters) - Autobot "The Diesel Destroyer"
Optimus Prime (Battle Masters, Silver Knight) - Autobot
Optimus Prime (Mr. Potato Head) - Autobot
Optimus Prime Bird - Autobird
Optimus Prime Bird (Energon) - Autobird
Optimus Prime Bird (Ultimate) - Autobird
Orion Pax - Autobot

Payload - Autobot
Perceptor (Class of 1984) - Autobot Class Brain
Predaking - Predacon
Primal Prime - Autobot
Prowl (Class of 1984) - Autobot Best Logic Processors
Prowl (Masterpiece) - Autobot Intelligence Specialist
Prowl (Movie) - Autobot
Prowl (Battle Masters) - Autobot "Pride of the Low-Ride"

Rampage - Cybertron Protoform X
Ratchet (Class of 1984) - Autobot Class Fixer
Rattrap (Generations) - Maximal
Rattrap (Kre-O) - Maximal
Ravage (Class of 1984) - Decepticon
Reflector - Decepticon
Rewind - Autobot Memory Collector
Rhinox - Maximal
Rhinox (Kre-O) - Maximal
Roadbuster - Autobot
Roadhound - Autobot
Rodimus (Kre-O) - Autobot
Rodimus (Hero Mashers) - Autobot
Rodimus (Shattered Glass) - Autobot
Rollbar (One Step Changers) - Autobot
Rot Gut - Predacon Demolitions Expert
Roughneck - Autobot
Rumble (Class of 1984) - Decepticon Most Likely to Shake Things Up
Runway - Mini-Con

Sandstorm - Autobot
Scattershot - Autobot
Scoop - Autobot
Scorn - Autobot
Scorn (Power Battlers) - Autobot
Scorn (Construct-Bots) - Autobot
Scorponok - Star Seeker Heavy Lifter
Scrapmaster - Robot
Sentinel Prime Bird - Autobird
Shockwave (Class of 1984) - Decepticon Best Optics
Sideswipe (Class of 1984) - Autobot Prom King
Silversnout - Autobot
Skids - Autobot
Skrapnel (Generations) - Decepticon
Skrapnel (Kre-O) - Decepticon
Skrapnel (Class of 1984) - Decepticon Most Repetitive, Repetitive
Sky-Byte - Predacon
Skywarp (Generations) - Decepticon
Skywarp (Class of 1984) - Decepticon Most Punctual
Slash - Autobot
Slash (One Step Changers) - Autobot
Slash (Construct-Bots) - Autobot
Slash (Galvatron Factory Battle) - Autobot
Slipstrike - Decepticon
Slog (Age of Extinction) - Autobot
Slog (Thrilling 30) - Autobot
Slug - Autobot
Slug (Dino Sparkers) - Autobot
Slug (Wal*Mart) - Autobot
Slug (One Step Changers) - Autobot
Slug (Power Battlers) - Autobot
Slug (San Diego Comic Con) - Autobot
Slug (Hero Mashers) - Autobot
Slug (Construct-Bots) - Autobot
Slug (Dinobot Charge) - Autobot
Snarl (San Diego Comic Con) - Autobot
Snarl (Age of Extinction) - Autobot
Snarl (Power Battlers) - Autobot
Soundblaster Pig - Deceptihog
Soundwave (Class of 1984) - Decepticon Class Gossip
Soundwave (Hero Mashers) - Decepticon
Soundwave (Movie Advanced, Darkside) - Decepticon
Soundwave Pig - Deceptihog
Soundwave Pig (Energon) - Deceptihog
Spinister - Decepticon
Springer - Autobot
Starscream (Armada) - Decepticon
Starscream (Class of 1984) - Decepticon Best Frenemies (with Megatron)
Starscream (Hero Mashers) - Decepticon
Starscream (Movie Advanced) - Decepticon
Starscream (Battle Masters) - Decepticon "The Emperor of Energon"
Starscream (Mr. Potato Head) - Decepticon
Starscream Pig - Deceptihog
Steeljaw - Decepticon
Stinger (Legion) - Decepticon
Stinger (Wal*Mart 3-Pack) - Decepticon
Stinger (Wal*Mart 2-Pack) - Decepticon
Stinger (One Step Changers) - Decepticon
Stinger (Construct-Bots) - Decepticon
Strafe (Kre-O) - Autobot
Strafe (Age of Extinction) - Autobot
Strafe (Power Battlers) - Autobot
Strafe (Dino Sparkers) - Autobot
Strafe (Wal*Mart 2-Pack) - Autobot
Strafe (One Step Changers) - Autobot
Strafe (Evolution) - Autobot
Strafe (San Diego Comic Con) - Autobot
Strafe (Family Dollar) - Autobot
Strafe (Construct-Bots) - Autobot
Strafe (Wal*Mart, Construct-Bots) - Autobot
Streetsmart - Autobot
Stylor - Autobot
Sunstorm - Decepticon Spark Hunter
Sunstreaker (Class of 1984) - Autobot Best Looking
Suppressor - Autobot
Swerve - Autobot

T-Rex - Robot
Tailgate - Autobot
Tankor - Vehicon
Thundercracker (Class of 1984) - Decepticon Most Indecisive
Thrustinator - Predacon Survivalist
Torosaur - Autobot
Trailcutter (Class of 1984) - Autobot Class Clown
Trans-Mutate - Maximal Freedom Fighter
Treadshot - Decepticon Gunslinger
Twinstrike - Predacon

Ulma - Micron
Ultra Magnus (Class of 1984) - Autobot Teacher's Pet
Ultra Magnus (Cyberverse Beast Hunters) - Autobot Heavy Munitions
Ultra Magnus Bird - Autobird

Vehicon (Kre-O) - Decepticon
Vehicon (Age of Extinction) - Decepticon
Vehicon (Power Battlers) - Decepticon
Venin - Decepticon

Waspinator - Predacon
Wheeljack (Masterpiece) - Autobot Mechanical Engineer
Wheeljack (Class of 1984) - Autobot Most Likely to Blow Himself Up
Whirl - Autobot
Wideload - Autobot
Windblade - Autobot
Windcharger (Class of 1984) - Autobot Most Likely to Run Out of Energon
Windrazor - Predacon
Windshear - Mini-Con
Wingspan Hawk - Decepticon